Every week we get dozens of requests for financial assistance. Current and upcoming cases are posted on our facebook site with stories and family updates when available. Please check us out.
Countess' dad was recently laid off. She jumped off the bed and damaged her knee. One vet said torn ACL, a second opinion at Acredale disagreed. She is on crate rest and recovering at home nicely.
Pennie is 12 yrs old. She was receiving 24 hour care as her bloodwork was off the charts. They have not been able to formally diagnose her, but she is home and care is continuing. Her mom states there has been some slight improvements and Pennie is getting some pep in her step back .
Olive is right at a year old. She slipped passed her owner and was hit by a car over the weekend. She required amputation on her leg, which was done at Helping Hands. She is now home recovering.
Rocky suffered from a stroke and a blood clot in his lungs. He was only 3 yrs old. He loved people. Every person that met him fell in love with him and his wheaten greetin. He was a really good pup to his three brothers who frequently wrestled him. He loved car rides and snow. He was the most loyal dog who couldn’t rest until everyone in his family was home safe & sound. He was our first family dog and brought us so much joy. Despite all efforts by the veterinary staff, Rocky sadly passed away. Your donations helped cover his final bill. Dad is a air traffic controller and this medical emergency occurred during the government shutdown.
Pirate escaped from his youngest human and her grandma when mom was out of town for work. His 10 yr old human, was able to carry him home with the help of a construction worker after being hit by a car. He ended up with an amputation and is recovering wonderfully.
Bentley had a severely infected ear and hematoma. His owner was recently laid off and could not afford the cost to give him some relief. We stepped in and assisted with getting his ear drained..He is on the mend
Navi was spayed and ended up really sick. We covered the care to do ultrasound to see why. She ended up with a serious infection and has since improved tremendously on antibiotics and rest.
Mischief was hit by a car and urinating blood. The owner reached out to us, and we were able to cover diagnostics at the er vet to determine he had a diaphragmatic hernia. His status is unknown at this point in time.
Baine became really ill and was having seizures. His owners reached out to us due to lack of funds to run testing. His little human thought she was going to lose him on her 4th birthday. Baine spent the night at the vet, and is doing well on phenobarbital to control his seizures. We sent pizza and cupcakes to his little human so that her birthday to cheer her up <3
Atlas is only 13 weeks old, and found himself with a broken jaw when a German Shepherd attacked him. Owners were having to decide whether to euthanize since they could not come up with the funds for surgery. We stepped in to assist, his jaw surgery is complete, and Atlas is on the way to recovery.
Atlas spent his 1st birthday in the ER with a urinary blockage and running a high fever. We were able to assist with funds to cover the cost to unblock him. Sadly, his fever has gotten worse and they are running infectious disease bloodwork on him to see why he is still getting worse. The blockage seems to be secondary to what is going on. Will update when we have answers...
Ziggy is his mom's everything. He was her rock when she fought and kicked cancer's butt. He ate something he shouldn't have, and became blocked. We assisted in covering the cost of surgery as his mom is on disability and did not have the funds to cover surgery. He received surgery late last night 2-2-19, they have unblocked him and had to cut 4 places in his intestines to do so. He is on the road to recovery and hoping to go home in a few days, as he needs to be monitored closely.
Blue was pacing, urinating often, and painful in the back end. We covered blood work and pain management.
Very sick and owner could not afford her vet care to try and see what is wrong. She was lethargic and running a fever. Doing so much better after a round of meds.
Got into several flea pills fora dog much larger. Was being treated for poisoning, and is now doing so much better.
Hooch was thought to have a blockage. We were able to pitch in for x-ray and they flushed his system. He was able to pass the blockage with no surgery.
Battling diabetes and was super lethargic as sugar levels were unable to be managed. Was hospitalized and several curve tests done. Bettis is now thriving!
This itty bitty fell and broke her leg. Her parents could cover much of her surgery, we chipped in to cover the balance. She is still healing, but doing so much better.
Update- Unfortunately Rocky was unable to undergo surgery. The cancer had spread beyond his leg and into his lungs. We still honored our pledge and allowed Rocky to fall asleep eternally with a plate full of donuts. He has gained his angel wings and is watching over his loving owners from the Rainbow Bridge. He passed peacefully at home.
Rocky will undergo surgery on March 11, 2019. Had a tumor removed during the holidays, and it has returned much angrier and larger. They will be amputating his leg to prevent cancer.
from spreading.
Rza is 4 months old, and had a fluke accident where his leg got stuck in his crate causing him to break it. Owners are trying to raise funds to fix his leg. We have committed to a set amount whether they fix or amputate. Surgery date is unknown at this time, we are waiting for updates from owner.
Update: Rza is recovering after amputation.
Foxy had a huge mammary tumor that needed to be removed. Her owner is 82 yrs old, and on limited income. We were able to cover the costs that the owner was short to allow her tumor to be removed. Foxy is home and recovering.
Meet Kiki. Her owners reached out to us because she has been declining in health recently.. Her stomach is bloated and she eats and eats.. It was determined to be a thyroid issue. Kiki is back to her perky self after meds.
He hasnt been feeling good today. after an er visit and an estimate of 4500 for a possible blockage, he is now at another er vet. Ultrasound shows enlarged spleen. Not blockage... . Malcolm is fully recovered.
Loki was rushed to the vet with a blockage. He got a hold of his little human's leather shoe.. He underwent blockage surgery where other items were also taken out of his intestines. We were able to offset the costs of this expensive surgery. Thank you for donating!
Cena hasn't felt well since she had a tooth removed. We were able to help with the cost of her endoscopy. The procedure concluded she had an esophageal stricture. She has to go back in a week for another balloon procedure .
Roxie had an irritating growth on her toe. We were able to assist with the cost of the mass removal. She is back to her happy self and in good spirits.
Unfortunately, we learned of Cam's medical emergency too late. He was blocked for several days and unfortunately had to be euthanized as he would not have made it through surgery. . We assisted with the cost of euthanasia. Rest easy sweet baby!
Pablo sustained an injury some time ago and needed an x-ray to see if surgery was needed to help him live a full happy life. His owners are currently homeless so his caretaker asked us for assistance. The x-ray determined the injury had healed and it was best to leave alone as opposed to correct the bone.
Poor Carley escaped her home and was found injured. Likely hit by a car. We were able to contribute to her leg surgery to repair her broken leg.
Bella unfortunately got her leg stuck in her crate and in a panic to get loose, she broke her tiny little leg. We were able to contribute towards her surgery to repair her broken leg. She as well, is home recovering.
Keeping pets healthy and in their loving homes keeps them from entering shelters. Your support means everything to them and to us. Thank you.
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Paws in Need - Emergency Medical Fund
332 Fernwood Farms Road, Chesapeake, VA 23320
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